248 Ac. Rosewood Blvd. & 58
Mojave, CA, 93501
For Sale
- 248acres
The listing price is for 40% share of 248+/- Acres of Vacant Industrial Land Zoned M-3 (Heavy Industrial) located Northeast of State Hwy. 58 and Hwy. 14 and Northwest of Hyundai Motor Group California Proving Ground, Mojave Air and Spaceport is to the Southwest. It has 2750' Frontage on Rosewood Blvd. and 3932' frontage on 20th St., Snake Ave goes through the property. Hwy. 14 is less than 2 miles away which gives you easy access to Rosamond, Lancaster, and Palmdale. Ideal for Cannabis, solar farming, truck stop, etc...
You may google the following GPS coordinates to locate the subject: 35.095181 -118.103267
Listing agent:
Richard Khatibi
License #00895193
Rich Estate Props
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