16813 Baseline
Fontana, CA, 92336
For Sale
- 3.43acres
!00 units apartment plan has been pre-approved by major bank and investor for $50M, 5% fix interest rate from entitlement all the way to carry on 30 years fixed loan. Great location in the blooming area. Completed street, curb, walkway, light posts and storm drain improvements. Electricity, water and sewer are on site ready to connect. R4 zoning currently. Contain three parcels APN # 0241-051-13, 0241-051-14, 0241-051-42. Located closed to 15, 210 and 215 freeways. Next to Sierra Ave. fully built and sold New homes community on north side and east side of the property, next to church. Sprouts, Costco, Lowe's, auto centers, and Amazon super size warehouses are close by.
Listing agent:
License #01056314
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